Befehl über VMware tools absetzen

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# example vars.yml
ansible_connection: vmware_tools

ansible_vmware_user: administrator@vsphere.local
ansible_vmware_password: Secr3tP4ssw0rd!12
ansible_vmware_validate_certs: no  # default is yes

# vCenter Connection VM Path Example
ansible_vmware_guest_path: DATACENTER/vm/FOLDER/{{ inventory_hostname }}
# ESXi Connection VM Path Example
ansible_vmware_guest_path: ha-datacenter/vm/{{ inventory_hostname }}

ansible_vmware_tools_user: root
ansible_vmware_tools_password: MyR00tPassw0rD

# if the target VM guest is Windows set the 'ansible_shell_type' to 'powershell'
ansible_shell_type: powershell

# example playbook_linux.yml
- name: Test VMware Tools Connection Plugin for Linux
  hosts: linux
    - command: whoami

    - ping:

    - copy:
        src: foo
        dest: /home/user/foo

    - fetch:
        src: /home/user/foo
        dest: linux-foo
        flat: yes

    - file:
        path: /home/user/foo
        state: absent

# example playbook_windows.yml
- name: Test VMware Tools Connection Plugin for Windows
  hosts: windows
    - win_command: whoami

    - win_ping:

    - win_copy:
        src: foo
        dest: C:\Users\user\foo

    - fetch:
        src: C:\Users\user\foo
        dest: windows-foo
        flat: yes

    - win_file:
        path: C:\Users\user\foo
        state: absent